Orthognathic Surgery (Jaw Surgery)
Orthognathic (Jaw) Surgery is the general name of surgeries in which the lower jaw, upper jaw or both jaws are surgically brought to their proper position relative to the face. Disorders affecting the facial bones and jaw bones often cause irregularities in the position of the teeth. In the treatment of such disorders, orthodontists and oral and maxillofacial surgeons work together. While irregularities in tooth positions can be corrected with braces or wireless treatments, it is generally possible to correct defects in the structure or position of the jaws surgically.
Our aim in orthodontic treatments combined with orthognathic surgery is to correct the relationship of the teeth with each other and with the jaws, and with the jaws with each other and with the face.

Who is Orthognathic Surgery Suitable for?
Disorders such as the lower or upper jaw being forward or backward, the lower or upper jaw being positioned to the right or left relative to the midline of the face, i.e. being asymmetrical, having a long face or gummy smile, and a narrow upper jaw, are both aesthetic and functional. may cause problems. In these cases, orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery) is applied together with orthodontic treatment, allowing us to achieve a proper jaw closing relationship.
Orthognathic surgery is performed intraorally under general anesthesia after growth and development are completed. Surgery planning is done by an orthodontist and a plastic surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon. After surgery, orthodontic treatment continues for 6 to 12 months, and your orthodontist will continue to see you for routine check-ups after treatment.